Our success depends on you!
Ann Arbor In Concert is a non-profit organization that depends on the support of its members as well as private- and corporate- donors. If you are interested in becoming a donor please visit the Contact Us page.
A2IC is currently seeking corporate and individual donors to fund our 2017 season. By being a corporate donor an organization can anticipate to exposure to all the members as well as prominent signage and marketing at the performances and in the playbill. A ‘special thanks’ will be given to all corporate and individual sponsors at each performance.
Ann Arbor in Concert is a Michigan nonprofit corporation. On March 20, 2014 Ann Arbor in Concert received confirmation from the IRS confirming its status as an organization exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3). The effective date of the exemption is April 2, 2012.
You can reach us at fundraising@a2ic.org.
If you’d like to mail a check directly please make the check out to “Ann Arbor In Concert” and mail it to
Eric Lofstrom
3588 Plymouth Rd, #384
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Donate now using PayPal!
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Interested in promoting your group, organization, event? You can purchase ad space in our program. Click below for more information.